The trouble with artists……….

The trouble with artists……….

When I floated this strapline past my husband, he laughed and said “How long have you got?”  However, I do want to make a serious point here and, although this is a sweeping generalisation, the trouble with artists is that we are often not very good at selling...
One Year Later…..

One Year Later…..

I can’t believe that it’s been over a year since my last blog.  When I set up my website, I promised myself I would write something at least once a month – a big fat fail on that front! However, it has been a very busy year.  We’ve been on lots of trips away...
Back to the Clay……..

Back to the Clay……..

Those of you who know me well will be aware that I spent three years in the 1990s studying ceramics and many subsequent years selling my sculpture in galleries.  But by the time I moved to South Norfolk I was working full-time at the university and had no spare time...
The Life of a Painting

The Life of a Painting

It all started when I asked my son Ted if he would like a painting for his new London flat.  “Yes please” he replied, “Can you paint me a picture of the ghats in Varanasi?”  Like us, Ted had experienced a wonderful and memorable stay in this fascinating and...
Getting back to normal

Getting back to normal

There’s no denying that the Internet has kept many of us sane over the past difficult year, enabling us to stay in touch with our friends and family.   Another benefit has been the ingenuity of many businesses and individuals in providing opportunities for...