When I floated this strapline past my husband, he laughed and said “How long have you got?”  However, I do want to make a serious point here and, although this is a sweeping generalisation, the trouble with artists is that we are often not very good at selling and promoting our own work.

Like many other artists I am creative because I don’t know any other way to be.  As I child I made every Blue Peter project and was constantly colouring, painting, modelling and drawing, and this passion has continued throughout my adult life.  However there comes a point at which you have to do something with your work, even if it’s just to cover the cost of the materials. 

After college I sold my work regularly through galleries, but that was when I was young and fearless, and I needed the money. Nowadays I am quite happy to use social media or my website to promote my work, or even open my studio to friends and visitors during Norfolk Open Studios, but the thought of approaching galleries turns me to jelly. I am not a salesperson or a marketer and many of my artistic friends feel just the same.  So it took a fair bit of encouragement (pushing!) from my wingman Peter, before I sent a some photos of my work to a few galleries.  And guess what?  It’s not nearly as scary as I thought.

I’m delighted to say that I now have work for sale in Fire and Flux Ceramics in Norwich, and have been asked to take part in an exhibition at the newly opened Bell Gallery, Bungay in May, so watch this space….