Those of you who know me well will be aware that I spent three years in the 1990s studying ceramics and many subsequent years selling my sculpture in galleries. But by the time I moved to South Norfolk I was working full-time at the university and had no spare time for ceramics. I left my trusty kiln behind in my old pottery studio as it was far too old and decrepit to survive the move.
Since taking early retirement from UEA two years ago I have spent many happy hours learning new artistic skills and experimenting with mosaics, paint, texture and colour. However, whilst I enjoy the challenge of painting and drawing enormously, I have been feeling increasingly drawn back to ceramics.

So now I am excited to announce that my plans are taking shape! We have found a wonderful carpenter who, as we speak, is weaving his magic to create a new workshop in our cart-shed, which Peter and I will share. I have been researching clay suppliers and kilns, digging out my old tools, sketching out ideas, and have even been commissioned to produce two sculptures. It’s early days, but change is afoot at Alborough Farm….. so watch this space for developments!

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